
Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day is January 28. It is an international effort to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust. Famiy Discussion Question: 1) What does data privacy mean? 2) What kind of family data should we keep private? 3) How can we keep our family & personal data private?…

Children of Alcoholics Week

Children of Alcoholics Week is the annual campaign to raise awareness of children affected by a parent’s drinking. Many kids are afraid to come home or bring friends over because of their parents drinking or substance use. Today we break the painful silence and offer hope to the vulnerable kids and teens impacted by parental…

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day aims to not only create a safer internet but also a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. Use this day as an opportunity to discuss digital dangers and expected digital citizenship behavior. Family Discussion Questions: 1) How can the internet put you in danger?…

Random Acts of Kindness Day

National Random Acts of Kindness is celebrated every February 17. Being kind lights up the frontal lobe and lengthens our neuronal networks for empathy skills. So, today and every day we strive not only to be kind but to spread kindness. Family Discussion Questions: 1) How do you feel when you engage in kindness? 2) What…

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Join the conversation about food, body image, and exercise issues on social media. Let’s bust myths, share our unique stories, and point people to support and resources. Family Discussion Questions: 1) Do you know what eating disorders are? 2) What is a body image and how does media affect it? 3) What can you do…

Self-Injury Awareness Day

March 1st is an annual global awareness event. Depression and self-harm often go hand-in-hand, although youth self-harm for a variety of reasons. Use this day as an opportunity to openly discuss these reasons and learn new, healthier coping mechanisms. Pass out orange ribbons and create awareness with poster campaign or speaker. Host lunch table booth…

World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Today is World Teen Mental Wellness Day. This is an annual event to raise awareness about mental health issues in teenagers. We encourage you to openly talk about mental health issues to destigmatize and let each other know we are not alone.

World Obesity Day

Obesity is a complex issue involving many failing systems including—health, food, regulatory, governmental, and the way our world is designed—that drive rising rates of obesity worldwide. It is time for change! Today, we will raise awareness about the factors that contribute to obesity and create a healthier future for our kids.

National Day of Unplugging

Since 2009, Global Day of Unplugging has been widely celebrated the first Saturday of March every year. It officially begins at sundown the night before, but schools, businesses and individuals plan tech-free gatherings in the days and weeks leading up to and following March in order to make the most of the holiday .Whether it is…

Brain Awarenss Week

Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, participants host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain, and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives. We celebrate protecting our brain from risky behavior!

National Inhalant and Poisons Awareness Week

The third week in March is National Inhalant and Poisons Awareness Week. This prevention week focuses on providing education, resources, and information on risks of inhalant use. Almost every home in America has items in it that can be potentially poisonous or dangerous. Being aware of these dangers is important.

National Awkward Moments Day

On National Awkward Moments Day we celebrate and embrace those embarrassing or awkward moments from your past and laugh about them. Today we practice the coping skills of laughing at ourselves, taking ourselves less seriously, and realizing everyone has awkward moments!

Contact Us

If you need help and are under the age of 18, reach out to a trusted adult, such as a counselor, a parent, a teacher, or a coach. Finding assistance and the best-fit resources in your community is priority. To book Dr. Crystal Collier to present at your school, parent organization, or in your community, please contact us!

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