Family Skills

When family life is consistenly warm, loving, and structured, young people thrive. When families struggle with illness, addiction, or behaviorial problems, young people may develop rigid rules and roles that do not serve them well as adults. Development of healthy coping skills can divert young people from escaping negative feelings with risky behavior. 

Featured Resource

The Family Dinner Project isa nonprofit initiative started in 2010, champions family dinner as an opportunity for family members to connect with each other through food, fun and conversation about things that matter.

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take a quiz

Take a quiz from Imago Relationships to explore how emotionally healthy your family is.

Take a quiz from Psych2Go to find out what role you play in your family.


Get facts and prevention strategies for ACEs at the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) website.

Get help when confronting family conflict from DoSomething.Org's guide to dealing with family tension.


Contact Us

If you need help and are under the age of 18, reach out to a trusted adult, such as a counselor, a parent, a teacher, or a coach. Finding assistance and the best-fit resources in your community is priority. To book Dr. Crystal Collier to present at your school, parent organization, or in your community, please contact us!

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